20 ways nonprofits can use AI in their marketing


Grow your nonprofit and increase awareness by using AI in your marketing efforts.

AI tools can be daunting. They can do so much (or so you’ve heard), but you need to rein it in and figure out ways you can use AI specifically in your nonprofit’s marketing efforts. Good thing you clicked on this blog post cause I have a whole list for you! Break the ice with your favorite AI tool with this list of ways you can use AI to save time, take care of the marketing tasks you hate doing and increase brand awareness!

Ways to use AI in your marketing:

  1. Brainstorm! AI cannot replace your creativity and lived experiences, but it can enhance them and help you come up with ideas you hadn’t thought of before. AI is not a replacement, but a co-creator.

    1. How to reach a certain demographic 

    2. What to do for your next campaign 

    3. Social or blog post ideas

    4. Blog post titles

    5. Funny jokes

  2. Learn new skills like the ones below. If you want to eventually do the tasks on your own, but don’t know how, AI tools can teach you how to do just about anything! And answer any follow up questions and review your work to provide feedback. Wild right?

    1. How to draft a press release

    2. How to make an Instagram reel

    3. Where to start with email marketing

  3. Analyze your marketing data

  4. Analyze and develop social media, email marketing, etc. strategies 

  5. Create social media captions and graphic suggestions

  6. Create reel scripts 

  7. Conduct a competitor analysis

  8. Adapt social media posts for different platforms or audiences, like:

    1. Adjusting and Instagram caption to be appropriate for LinkedIn

    2. Trimming a caption down to fit on X/Twitter

  9. Create outlines. You don’t always have to have an AI tool do everything for you, if you just want help getting started, outlines are a great place to start.

    1. For blog posts

    2. For press releases

    3. For emails

  10. Draft a press release

  11. Draft marketing emails

  12. Draft campaign materials

  13. Audience research 

  14. Editing videos with tools like OpusClip and Descript

  15. Repurposing content, like:

    1. Creating social media posts from a blog post

    2. Create an email from a social media post

  16. Take care of small items that accompany your content

    1. Blog sub headers

    2. Pull quotes

    3. Subject lines

    4. Etc.

  17. Draft responses to tough or negative questions 

  18. Create a crisis management plan

  19. Create a content calendar

  20. Take the first stab at a task you’re having a hard time getting started 

  21. BONUS! Troubleshoot and learn how to use marketing tools that you’re struggling with (Did ChatGPT teach me how to use my new email marketing tool? You bet it did.)

The possibilities are endless! If you’re ever not sure if AI can help you with something, just ask! Chances are that it can help and if it can’t, it can give you suggestions of where to go next.

Remember, what you get from an AI tool is only as good as what you give it. So if you need help drafting prompts that actually give you what you want? Take advantage of my AI Prompt Builder and create effective prompts in minutes!


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